The Women's Advancement Compact Launch: An Inspiring Night to be Remembered by Many!

High Energy Networking, Thought Provoking Conversation, and Great Food & Wine – oh my.

One PACKED room!

An energized crowd overfilled the room at Alston & Bird on Thursday, May 9th to join the Women’s Advancement Compact launch and recognize our new community. David Wolfskehl verbalized the precise goal of the evening when he conveyed: “within 10 seconds of being there you could feel the energy and the community”. The networking aspect of the evening was second to none!

Over the course of our inaugural program, participants shared ideas, business cards, wholesome food and wine, and a few laughs. Each guest was challenged to commit to taking a baby step that evening- to change a habit, an idea or a mindset to achieve the first step to a richer life. Break out groups, where each participant had the option to share, yielded so many great points, we may need to follow this post up with a dozen more blog posts!

Here’s an example we discovered during one of the de-briefings:

A real time polling question about ‘feeling a responsibility to help other women’ had not been answered as a unanimous ‘yes’ by the community. A sobering reality surfaced in one of the break out groups: it can be risky to go out of your way to help someone. It’s sometimes tricky to navigate between corporate culture and politics and what you know is the right thing to do.

After hearing from speakers Shanell Cramer of Alston & Bird, Janet Salazar of IMPACT Leadership 21 and Ken Roldan of WC&C about the importance of men to the advancement of women, we were pleased that the men’s break out group came back fully committed to being part of this movement. It is clear that with mindfulness, education, motivation, and support we can each live a richer life- as individuals and as entities. But then again, these were a group of evolved men…we were preaching to the converted.

That was true for all in the room. This was a great sampling of men and women of all ages, backgrounds, industries, and ethnicities. The commonality was they all heard the same concept – and now understand that with an investment of time, the discipline to act, and support along the way, we can ALL live richer lives.

What was your experience at the Women’s Advancement Compact launch?
What was your baby step?
We’d love to know!


Launch Lesson #1: Walking Daily Can Lower the Risk of Lifestyle Disease


Sweet Jane Paperie; Hand-Crafted Style from a Stylish Woman