Bite Your Tongue, Literally: Unspeakable Speech & You, Part 3

When it comes to dining, nutritionists like to point out that “you are what you eat”. While this is a fact, it’s not always evident on the surface. In the business world, it’s safe to assume that “you are what you say”, meaning, the words and phrases you speak can define you to others, as speech is out in the open.

With this in mind, it could be time for a reality check when it comes to the misguided, tacky and downright problematic things you may have gotten used to saying. Ironically, it’s not the cuss words or the classic grammatical errors that are the modern offenders; today’s linguistic “unusual suspects” are disguised as trendy alternatives to long-established informal speech, having sneakily oozed their way into formal dialogue. For many of them, the origins are in popular culture and high-school hallways, both of which are famously incompatible with the business world.  

Below, I’ve created a basic reference chart of today’s most common spoken offenders and what you ought to be saying instead to optimize your character. Just a skim through it will reveal some real beauties that most of us are guilty of perpetuating. This is not a cause for panic; have fun with it, but ultimately, take it seriously, and make a conscious effort to change your game. As is the nature of a chart, this one just begs to be added to. Respond with your 21st century linguistic faux pas, and contribute to raising awareness.

Click here to read Part 1 of this language series, and here to read Part 2.


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