Think Of Laura, Part 1: A Positive Look At Time & Energy Management In Your Career

Late last month, I reported to you on a special takeaway from our collaborative dinner event featuring an interview with author Laura Vanderkam. The Meaning Of Busy is the article I wrote, which explored a “real gem of a concept” about how we busy professionals tend to overestimate how busy we truly are. It’s a highly compelling read, but is not a prerequisite to learning about my additional takeaways from the evening, including some challenges I presented to the attendees.

Read on to explore my new perspective on several issues related to time and energy management in the workplace. If this piques your interest further, grab yourself a copy of Laura Vanderkam’s book I Know How She Does It, and get ready to reclaim many, many hours of free time and positive energy each week! And don’t forget to share the wisdom.

Schedule With Frugality

The beauty of adulthood is that we can choose how to spend our time. Defining what is and isn’t a priority can be liberating and empowering, but we must remember to be frugal when prioritizing. Make sure you focus on what’s truly important, with perspective, and replace the notion of “I don't have time” with “It's not a priority”

Postponement Is Not A Dirty Word

It’s inevitable that a lunch appointment will get postponed by the other party now and then. Life happens, people get sick, and deadlines get in the way. It’s tough being on the sell side when these postponements occur and not feel like a victim; Time, after all, is a precious commodity. Instead of getting angry, turn your energy around when someone postpones. Laura tells the story of a realtor who goes for a massage when her appointments cancel last-minute! Look at unexpected changes in schedule as opportunities to catch up on living.

Find Your Own Flexibility

One advantage you can afford yourself is to create flexibility within your full-time 9-to-5 schedule. For instance, working 2 hours each weekend day and then creating one extended work day in the middle of the week can earn you an extra 8 hours of spare time to enjoy when you see fit. Try doing an hour of email follow-up after dinner each night before you wind down, and you’ll find yourself 5 hours ahead of schedule each Monday morning.


Think Of Laura, Part 2: A Positive Look At Personal Time & Energy Management


Confronting The P Word: One Woman’s Success Overcoming Perfectionism