Words To Live By: DRIVEN’s Best Blog Articles of 2015, Part 2

Last week, I gave you a sampling of some of our most informative blog articles of the year (if you missed it, link to it HERE). Today, I’m back with 5 more significant DRIVEN posts from 2015, each offering advice and food-for-thought designed to enhance your career regardless of what stage you’re in. These must-reads for any business professional include valuable outlooks on time management, EQ in spoken language, defeating our fears, and the new face of CSR. There’s even a little departure from business included for the weekend adventure seeker in you. Start anywhere, and feed your mind with the quality offerings you’ve come to expect from our blog page. Then, if you haven’t done so already, consider inserting yourself deeper into our business community by becoming a DRIVEN member in 2016. You’ll gain access to our virtual platform and begin to reap even bigger benefits in your career and in home & family life. Happy Holidays to all!   -Michael

Time Is On Our Side: How One DRIVEN Event Changed The Lives Of Many

On October 13th, Deb reported in on one of the most significant and informative DRIVEN events of the year: Time Is On Our Side with Laura Vanderkam, presented at the offices of Dorsey & Whitney. This post is an essential roundup of Laura’s most acute lessons of the evening on time management, and is an essential insider’s mini guide to her methodologies, whether you were in attendance or couldn’t be with us. Link to the post HERE.

Don’t Say It!: 7 Words & Phrases That May Be Sabotaging Your Professional Credibility

Late August found Deborah reflecting upon the insane ways in which many of us speak. Sometimes we don’t even realize that certain words and phrases which roll off our tongues multiple times per day can wipe out any executive presence that we may otherwise be projecting. This article is an insightful and playful exploration of business-speak, and will link you to DRIVEN’s other language-related articles from the past, which have received much acclaim and inspired various debates. Link to the post HERE.

Paradise-On-Hudson: An Insider’s Guide To Cold Spring, New York

The lazy days of summer tend to inspire DRIVEN articles that depart from the business format. Summer 2015 featured such a post, designed to prompt you to hop on a Metro North train and spend a day in our favorite Hudson Valley village: Cold Spring. There are 10 reasons why both Deborah and I have lived there, and have held our DRIVEN Community Day events there. This article lays it all out for you, complete with links to our favorite shops, restaurants and other attractions. Enjoyable in all seasons, Cold Spring is sure to lure you back again and again. Link to the post HERE.

Conquering Workplace Fear: How To Surf The Wave To Freedom

May 2015’s DRIVEN Community Event at Dorsey & Whitney addressed the fears we harbor which hold us back in our careers. Presenter and career coach Cara Power took us on a symbolic surfboard outing which exposed our fears for just what they are: illogical, and perpetuated by our internal critics. This follow-up blog article is designed to help you surf your own wave of fear, and transcend the negative impact that your fears are imposing on you. Profoundly compelling. Link to the post HERE

Corporate Social Responsibility: How Does Your Company Rate?

And finally, in this blog article from just a few weeks ago, Deb applauds the recent increase in the number of chain retailers who closed their stores on Thanksgiving Day, and encourages your company to get progressive and start taking CSR more seriously with regard to your own in-house staff. She lays out the 3 big steps you can take, and offers her personal expertise in bringing you up to speed. This is an article that should be on the radar of all modern companies, large and small. Link to the post HERE.


One Sweet Day: The Story of A Young Student’s Transformation at a DRIVEN Event


Words To Live By: DRIVEN’s Best Blog Articles of 2015, Part 1