It’s Like, Ya Know: Unspeakable Speech & You, Part 2
It’s inevitable. No matter what career you’ve chosen, you’re going to be speaking to others, and speaking often. In order to further your career, the speech you use will need to be of similar integrity to…
What I’m Reading: Farnoosh Torabi’s When She Makes More
I’ve been captivated by the topic, concept and possibilities of and for women as breadwinners for the past two years. I began researching it as I was founding Women’s Advancement Compact, inspired by the wish to see my niece Ashley feel the freedom...
Can We Talk?: Unspeakable Speech & You, Part 1
Polishing our demeanor goes beyond presentation skills, communication styles and workplace EQ. Before we can perfect any of those, we first must get a grip on language….specifically the kind to stay away from. It’s not simply about avoiding F-bombs and mispronouncing the word “ask”; I’m referring to the invasion…
Wine List Navigation Takeaways: Shrewd as a Sommelier
At last Wednesday’s Wine List Navigation workshop, a dozen ladies “earned their wings” by understanding and troubleshooting the challenges of ordering wine in a restaurant. It comes as no surprise…
The Gift of Feedback: Intangible, Yet Indispensable
Just as it was when you were growing up, from that first finger painting in pre-school to that final thesis paper in senior year, it is valuable feedback from others that prompts you, guides you, and propels you toward excellence in your career. I often refer…
Networking Realities, Part Two: Nurturing Your Network
You’ve assembled your profiles, you’ve sent your thank-you notes, and you’ve LinkedIn; now it’s time to take the next steps in cultivating a healthy and active business network. You will begin the ongoing…
Spring in Cold Spring: Foundry Preserve Awaits Your Visit!
For the last ten years or so, living in Cold Spring, I’d find myself in need of some scenery from time to time without committing to a strenuous hike. Walking distance from my doorstep was Foundry Cove— a wildlife sanctuary situated on and…
What I’m Drinking: Obscure Gems of Italy’s Piedmont
The usual suspects? You know that’s not what I’m all about. Sure, with cuisine, I’m always excited to try a different take on a classic (it’s seldom I’ll turn down a meatball simply because I’ve had a million of ‘em). But with wine, there are just too many options these…
The Restaurant Wine Ritual: A Host’s Perspective
As a frequent business dining host, you will be taking part in the age-old honor of ordering a bottle of wine for the table. For some, the very thought of such a responsibility is intimidating, even panic-inducing, and rightly so; without a professional wine background, it is natural to feel at a loss when flipping through a comprehensive restaurant…
Networking Realities, Part One: The “Follow-Up”
“I shall maintain my network.” So easy to say, so seemingly hard to do! Business network maintenance may be the most important way to focus our career energy, yet so often we place our network-related tasks on the back burner, expecting the…
In A New York Minute: How “Manhattan” Are You?
Having spent most of my life as a New Yorker, so many of the ins and outs of navigating this dense and diverse city have long since become second nature to me. So much has changed over the decades, yet there are those aspects of NYC…
Checking The Mirror: An Exploration Into Clearer Communication
Our latest Women’s Advancement Compact workshop featured the welcomed return of WAC specialist Kathleen Brady for a highly interactive session exploring the art of non-verbal communication skills. February 18th’s YOU ARE THE MESSAGE: Powerful…
Transcending Insecurity: The Anti-Gravity Yoga Edge
Welcome to the first in a series of WAC posts inviting you to rediscover the concept of the weekend getaway! If there’s one thing we’ve become pretty good at, it’s finding ways to unplug and treat ourselves to little adventures that enrich our lives. Our part of the…
Honk if You Drink Franc!
Michael and I have been fixated on New York State wines for quite some time, but never so acutely as we have been since 2008, when, as synchronicity would have it, while we toured the wines regions on Long Island’s east end and the Finger Lakes for the first time…
They Came, They Learned, They Bought: The C.Wonder Effect
thank you to all the ladies who attended last Wednesday’s C.Wonder wardrobe tutorial and discounted shopping opportunity, hosted by WAC Specialist Caroline Sill, the fashion retailer’s Manager of…
Restaurant Watch: Tapas, Anyone?
Running a business in NYC involves tons of fine restaurant dining (no complaints here). But once in a while, I have the chance to dine out just for the joy of eating. Recently, Michael and a dear friend from the west coast joined me at…
Anger vs EQ: Which “You” is in Control?
If you were one of the participants at January 29th’s WAC community event Corporate Emotional Intelligence: Anger in the Workplace, presented by WAC specialist Ginny Brown, you might have found yourself with a peculiar question bouncing around in your…
The Dining Diva: A Real Dish
In one sense, I talk about a “Dining Diva” as a professional woman who is an experienced, seasoned business diner— the master of her domain in the business meal setting (this is what I transform NYC women into with my periodical Strategic Dining℠…
EQ Times Seventy: Anger Sure Draws a Crowd
Anchin, Block & Anchin, LLC made their WAC event sponsoring debut last Wednesday, for a community event that I have been eagerly anticipating since the topical conversation between Ginny Brown and Deborah began a couple of months…
Pesto Reinterpreted: Five-Minutes to Bliss
I’m having a love affair with an old darling of mine: spinach pesto! I used to always have it on hand when I cooked at my old restaurant, Goldie’s by the Bridge, where it was handy in countless ways. Recently, I made a batch utilizing the modern conveniences…