Inclusive Conversations...

Hi There,

At this particular societal juncture, inclusive conversations are more important than ever. For example, our current governmental transition requires diplomatic dialogues to be graceful. Lawmakers have the opportunity to explore ways of working as a newly formed “team”, poised to discover and negotiate the political vision of the top office. We as citizens can contribute by creating the Space for conversations that help us “grow” together, living healthier as individuals and as a community.

But how can we engage with each other when the honeymoon period ended as abruptly as it did for the government? How can we have healthy conversations when we’re triggered to be right, defaulting to positional conversations, defending our own points of view to the end? The first step is to listen to others and understand their realities. Such open conversation leads us to better solutions and….here’s the best part: it actually feels good!

Today, I invite you to discover the “feels good” part. Grab a partner for a quick mock exercise in conversation. The two of you have been tasked to plan a virtual birthday party for a friend. There are no limitations. Anything is possible for this party, right down to dancing and enjoying cake together.

Have a five-minute conversation to design this party with your partner. To each suggestion, you must each respond, “No, but…”. Afterward, debrief on what the party will be like. Consider how the co-creative experience felt.  

Then, have a second 5-minute round, but instead, you must each respond, “Yes, and…”. Debrief again and compare the results.  

The goal of this improv discipline is to “open up” conversation instead of closing it down. In C-IQ® terms, this means shifting to a co-creative conversation, which is the ideal way to assure inclusion rather than exclusion.  

Now, take 60 seconds to watch my latest video. It’s an illustrative tool with which to discover what kinds of conversations you’re currently having. Then, reflect.


Deborah Goldstein
DRIVEN Professionals / Forbes / Linkedin | LinkedIn

DRIVEN Professionals, 35 Adrienne Lane, Garrison, NY 10524


DRIVEN Newsletter Feb 2, 2021


A Giant Lesson in Humanity