Throughout May 2019, DRIVEN has been focused on the nature of Resistance. We provided an educational webinar for the folks who were curious about the reasons they were resistant to others’ ideas, and we presented various articles exploring the challenge of resistance, even laying out its neuroscientific foundations. For instance, in my recent article I’m Right, You’re Wrong, Part II, I looked in-depth at the reasons we instinctively say “No”, even when doing so can slow us down on the road to career success. I hope you’ve discovered these offerings and have re-leased your life and career by examining your own relationship to resistance.

As with each of DRIVEN’s topics, there are exceptional resources for further reading and watching. These include related DRIVEN articles and external resources like books and video presentations. Here’s the May roundup of our favorite links related to Resistance, some of which will link you to additional resources therein. Many of these are recommended by Business Transformation Coach Deborah Naish— our special guest for DRIVEN’s May 17th resistance webinar! Explore them, and then reach out to us. We’d love to hear what resonates with you in these areas! 


The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield: This is a great wake-up call, illustrating the types of resistance faced by entrepreneurs, and reminds us how folks in other walks of life, including artists and athletes, are fighting similar battles, and winning!

Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used by Peter Block: This book features two full chapters about the resistance that comes from others, with reasons and suggestions for addressing such resistance.

Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard by Chip Heath and Dan Heath: This one lays out a process and gives examples of implementing change when we’re faced with resistance. Insightful and exciting to read.

Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results by Judith E. Glaser: This foundational resource on the neuroscience of conversations, written by my greatest mentor, offers some excellent insight on resistance.

The Obstacle is The Way by Ryan Holiday: Turning “adversity into advantage” is one of the secrets to conquering one’s resistance. It’s explored here in a profound way.

Dare to Lead by Brene Brown: Courageousness is another principle that ties handsomely into resistance.

The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership by Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman and Kaley Warner Klemp: This “new paradigm for sustainable success” will have you reexamining leadership and its relation to resistance. 

A Daily Emailing:

Optimize: An email subscription from Brian Johnson that includes access to book summaries and online classes. It’s always inspiring and is a great learning source. Ties in philosophically with the desire to conquer resistance. 

Additional Resources:

The Conscious Leadership Group: This business coaching and consulting resource has cutting-edge videos on their website which are a go-to source for leadership practices. Right up your ally if resistance is your roadblock.

DRIVEN’s May 17th OfficeHours Recording— Release Your Resistance: This features Deborah Naish's priceless advice about resistance from within, to others’ ideas, and when others resist your brilliant ideas!

Deborah Goldstein’s Forbes Article— Reframe To Reclaim Your Potential: Three Steps To Navigating Resistance: If you haven’t already read it, jump in! I’m proud to have provided this thorough resistance resource on such a high-profile platform. 


“It’s My Way or the Highway”: Releasing Control


“I’m Right, You’re Wrong”: Why We’re Resistant To Others’ Ideas, Part 2