Mindset Matters.
4 Attitudes for Realizing Your Goals & Aspirations. Motivated professionals seek DRIVEN services to ignite a personal transformation. Whether it’s succeeding in a new role, launching a new company, adopting a healthier lifestyle, communicating more effectively, managing…

Recovering From My Month of Recovery.
Considering the Upside of the Inner Critic. It was nearing the end of April, and the month had been markedly more stressful than usual. The irony is that April had been my self-prescribed…

Just Breathe!
Your Miracle Drug Lurks in Plain Sight. Do you intentionally devote time and energy each week to activities that are not urgent? If I told you that I did, would you consider me pollyannish? Irrational? When you pause to consider it…

Achieving Emotional Equilibrium: The Ultimate Balancing Act
Looking at 2 case studies in-progress.My DRIVEN work has become exclusively focused on coaching for the coming months. Not only is this thrilling, but it’s also been fascinating to witness the patterns and themes these motivated professionals, spanning many industries…

Coffee and a Smartphone.
How to Avoid Disaster Using Mindfulness. Here’s an important question. Do you text while driving? Your reflexive response might be, “Of course not. Around 3,000 people die each year due to texting…

Making The Move.
Valuable Life Lessons from a High-Stress Scenario. Have you ever experienced the “red car syndrome”? You know, when you learn a new word, or are introduced to a new dog breed, or are exposed…

Let The Circle Be Unclosed.
DRIVEN’s 2021 Word of the Year, Space, provided readers with the motivation and the necessary discipline to explore multiple angles of creating space in life. This came in handy for those who were…

One Thing’s For Certain, and It’s That Nothing’s For Certain!
Your Values Could Change. Here’s How to Become Comfortable With Changing Your Mind As Well. Think about the last time you made a well-informed, thoughtful decision that seemed absolutely…

Walking The Talk, And Stumbling
My Real-Time Experience With Neuroplasticity! I’m once again reminded that I’m DRIVEN’s best client. Over the past several months, I’ve been leading lots of DRIVEN to Wellness workshops for…

With Choice, Resilience is Possible!
Being Kind to One’s Current and Future Selves is a Good Place to Start. Way back in July, I wrote about my intentional efforts to extend Hedonic Adaptation. It was a reflection on my delight following my...

Extending The Honeymoon Period
The 3 Ways I Avoid Hedonic Adaptation. Last week I put my toe into the water by spending 2 days in NYC, thereby ending my 16-month exile to Putnam County, NY. My body’s response to this reintegration…

Embodying the Inclusive Workplace
3 Principles For Becoming a Driven JEDI. Take a moment and bring your mind back to right after a team meeting or an event where your team ROCKED IT. It could have been an engagement or a…

Space: The New Frontier
Announcing My 2021 Word of the Year! I’m always so excited around this time of year as I prepare to unveil my brand-new Word of the Year. Well, the word has been chosen, and the synchronicity continues…

They Say Hindsight is 2020. Of Course, It Is!
What Effect Has Clarity Had on You This Year? December is here. Incredible! It gives a whole new meaning to the saying, “Hindsight is 2020”. And all year, we have been investigating ways to gain greater…

As The Days Grow Darker, Light Up Your Soul!
3 Supplements to Support Your Emotional Resilience. Our recent exploration of building Emotional Resilience rewarded readers with suggestions and tips regarding their current…

At Risk: Emotional Resilience
Start by Refining Your Emotional Clarity Essentials! The virtue known as Emotional Resilience is at once becoming increasingly scarce and urgently essential as we approach winter. First, it’s time to take a…

Reevaluate Your Communication Practices with Colleagues NOW!
Here Are 8 Questions to Consider. August offered you the opportunity to understand the power of mindfulness. This simple (but far from easy) practice of kindly inviting your mind back to the present is…

Be Here Now!
4 Ways To Find Clarity During Times of Uncertainty. DRIVEN’s Word of the Year 2020 has been Clarity, which can be achieved by each of us with a little creativity, some useful tools, and the desire to make a…

Clarity Comes With Choices
Discover How To Connect With Your Personal Values. Are you ready to continue, with clarity, on your epic journey called life? Are you driven to make choices in your life to enhance your wellbeing each day?

Clarity During Crisis
5 Steps Toward Hope & Optimism During Pandemic Restrictions. It’s a bit eerie. I created this exploration for Clarity months ago, and its release is now correlating precisely with an international…