In All Uncertain Terms.
Here are three practices to embed into your day to help you maintain Emotional Equilibrium.

Munich in May!
6 Takeaways from a Fruitful Meeting of the Minds. Our European C-IQ Collective’s May 2023 retreat will be near impossible to top! We met outside of Munich, Germany after a three-year in person hiatus. The 3-day retreat left me feeling revived, refreshed, clear headed, and open…

Recovering From My Month of Recovery.
Considering the Upside of the Inner Critic. It was nearing the end of April, and the month had been markedly more stressful than usual. The irony is that April had been my self-prescribed…

Just Breathe!
Your Miracle Drug Lurks in Plain Sight. Do you intentionally devote time and energy each week to activities that are not urgent? If I told you that I did, would you consider me pollyannish? Irrational? When you pause to consider it…

Grow, Nurture, Manage and Leverage.
Demystifying the Elements of Networking. The veracity of the statement, “Your network is more valuable than your net worth” resonates these days! Last week my C-IQ® sister and colleague Lyn Christian saw their book published (beating out Oprah in a category on Amazon!). I was quite invested…

Never Mind the Inner Chatter!
How I’m Rebranding My Personal Body Image. While staring at my reflection in the mirror a couple of weeks ago, I found myself smiling. I was, as always, staring squarely at Eve, my inner critic. The difference this time was inspired by my year of reflection. I realized it was about…

REFLECTION: The Great Differentiator.
Announcing my tenth Word of the Year! Have you noticed that more and more folks are committing to a Word of the Year (WOTY)? In asking questions to understand what inspires WOTY creators, I realized that WOTY means something different to each of them…