Mindset Matters.
4 Attitudes for Realizing Your Goals & Aspirations. Motivated professionals seek DRIVEN services to ignite a personal transformation. Whether it’s succeeding in a new role, launching a new company, adopting a healthier lifestyle, communicating more effectively, managing…

Recovering From My Month of Recovery.
Considering the Upside of the Inner Critic. It was nearing the end of April, and the month had been markedly more stressful than usual. The irony is that April had been my self-prescribed…

Just Breathe!
Your Miracle Drug Lurks in Plain Sight. Do you intentionally devote time and energy each week to activities that are not urgent? If I told you that I did, would you consider me pollyannish? Irrational? When you pause to consider it…

REFLECTION: The Great Differentiator.
Announcing my tenth Word of the Year! Have you noticed that more and more folks are committing to a Word of the Year (WOTY)? In asking questions to understand what inspires WOTY creators, I realized that WOTY means something different to each of them…

The Limits of Reliability.
When Values Fail to Serve, and the Lessons Therein. Values, as the name implies, are beliefs we find personally meaningful. Many of us cherish our values and yet fail to recognize the power of these…

Coffee and a Smartphone.
How to Avoid Disaster Using Mindfulness. Here’s an important question. Do you text while driving? Your reflexive response might be, “Of course not. Around 3,000 people die each year due to texting…

The Stanley Effect.
Three Central Tenets, One Huge Inspiration. I’m leaning into my independence and taking creative license this month. This is one of the perks of being my own boss! Not only have I delayed…

The Marathon of Life Requires CADENCE.
I was on the track team in High School. In my senior year we were 6 girls and usually won our meets (Talk about “small but mighty”!) Our strategy was that we would each compete in four different events…

Walking The Talk, And Stumbling
My Real-Time Experience With Neuroplasticity! I’m once again reminded that I’m DRIVEN’s best client. Over the past several months, I’ve been leading lots of DRIVEN to Wellness workshops for…

With Choice, Resilience is Possible!
Being Kind to One’s Current and Future Selves is a Good Place to Start. Way back in July, I wrote about my intentional efforts to extend Hedonic Adaptation. It was a reflection on my delight following my...

Extending The Honeymoon Period
The 3 Ways I Avoid Hedonic Adaptation. Last week I put my toe into the water by spending 2 days in NYC, thereby ending my 16-month exile to Putnam County, NY. My body’s response to this reintegration…

Give Yourself Some Space
Reframing Your Relationship with Stress. Stress is essential to living. Even amoebas experience stress. If you had zero stress, you would merely exist. And while “being more, doing less” is an aspiration…

In Our Own Worlds
Differentiating Between YOUR Reality and Objective Truth. Following a comprehensive season of Clarity, another such exploration is about to unfold before us! We’ve covered a lot of ground since January…

Adjusting To Our New World, Mindfully
DRIVEN’s Resources For Staying Productive and Healthy in Mind & Body. This month DRIVEN is feeling particularly connected, as we’re now part of an online community of international coaches, project…

Clarity During Crisis
5 Steps Toward Hope & Optimism During Pandemic Restrictions. It’s a bit eerie. I created this exploration for Clarity months ago, and its release is now correlating precisely with an international…

Self-Compassion for Smarties: Your Resources for Further Exploration
This month, DRIVEN is asking you to explore Self-Compassion as a means of achieving Clarity. Some fundamentals of Self-Compassion that we’ve looked at in detail are Journaling, the Growth Mindset…

Mindset Shift: Why Replacing Judgment With Evaluation is Critical
Did you happen to catch yourself judging others this past week? Have you thought to yourself or said to others, “You really should…” or “He’s just being…” or “Why can’t she just do it this way”? If your answer…

Taming The Victor: How To Respond When The Other Person Needs To Be Right
Have you ever found yourself absolutely certain of something, only to find out later that you were totally off-base? This question, and others like it, are what we’ve been asking you to consider in our…

Deeper Insights: Resources to Help You Kick Anxiety and Stress
Throughout August 2019, DRIVEN has been gazing into the future— the place from which Anxiety, Stress and Overwhelm keep us unproductive in the present. We published three articles and…

Finding The Trigger: On Releasing Anxiety
Anxiety can be thought of as doubly deadly. Sure, it spikes at times, but for many of us, it’s an ever-present undercurrent to life, especially if we work in non-inclusive environments. This makes it even…