Mindset Matters.
4 Attitudes for Realizing Your Goals & Aspirations. Motivated professionals seek DRIVEN services to ignite a personal transformation. Whether it’s succeeding in a new role, launching a new company, adopting a healthier lifestyle, communicating more effectively, managing…

Grow, Nurture, Manage and Leverage.
Demystifying the Elements of Networking. The veracity of the statement, “Your network is more valuable than your net worth” resonates these days! Last week my C-IQ® sister and colleague Lyn Christian saw their book published (beating out Oprah in a category on Amazon!). I was quite invested…

Achieving Emotional Equilibrium: The Ultimate Balancing Act
Looking at 2 case studies in-progress.My DRIVEN work has become exclusively focused on coaching for the coming months. Not only is this thrilling, but it’s also been fascinating to witness the patterns and themes these motivated professionals, spanning many industries…

Diametrically Opposed.
Harnessing The Power of Emotional Ambivalence. I’m still haunted. The scene is looping in my mind’s eye. It was my first time seeing the felled trees at beloved Dockside Park, and my viscerally emotional…

Deeper Insights: Resources For Black History Month
In 2021, DRIVEN’s look at Black History Month will include a rich collection of mostly current resources on black identity and the subject of diversity for you to discover and immerse yourself…

Can You Afford To Skimp On Self-Compassion?
To Gain Perspective, The Answer Is Obvious. Clarity, as it relates to the mind, is referred to as such for a good reason. Your level of clarity can either inform your perspective or distort it. In last month’s DRIVEN…

DRIVEN’s Best Blog Articles of 2019, Part 2
Last week, we gave you a sampling of some of our most informative blog articles of the year (if you missed it, link to it HERE). Today, we’re back with four more significant DRIVEN posts from 2019, each…

Missing Boundaries: When Pleasing Others Threatens Your Career Advancement
Professional women must manage a double-edged sword. We are tempted to be “people pleasers”, giving our time, energy and attention to the matters of others, usually to the detriment of our…

Traversing The Double-Edged Sword: On Releasing The Need To Please Others
Throughout 2019 I’ve been using DRIVEN’s blog page to explore with you the different mindsets, attitudes and actions that professionals get caught up in, but that no longer serve them. The goal has…

Up The Ladder of Conclusions: How Curiosity Can Bring You Back to Earth
Judgments, Assumptions and Conclusions are proven to place limits on your behavior and the behavior of others. Evaluations, by contrast, are objective in their nature, deigned to reveal what “is”, since…

The Right Way To Be Wrong
How to Release Judgment, Assumptions, & Conclusions. 2019 has been the year of “Release”! Each month, you are invited to intentionally cut loose what no longer serves you, and then…

Deeper Insights: Resources to Help You Release The Need To Be Right
hroughout September 2019, DRIVEN has been analyzing the counterproductive temptation many of us have to be right all the time, and the impacts our actions have on the psychology of the…

Taming The Victor: How To Respond When The Other Person Needs To Be Right
Have you ever found yourself absolutely certain of something, only to find out later that you were totally off-base? This question, and others like it, are what we’ve been asking you to consider in our…

On The Road To Release: How To End The Blame Game
“Don’t be afraid to remind yourself that you are resourceful and resilient. With a little ingenuity, you will make progress towards managing the challenges of shame.” That was the central…

Deeper Insights: Your Control Resource Links
Throughout June 2019, DRIVEN has been homing in on the nature of Control. We provided an educational webinar for participants who wanted to understand their own Controlling tendencies, and…

Your Control Freak Solution: Build Trust With Your Team!
Have you earned the label “Control Freak”? There are more than a few ways you can be sure, and they’re staring right at you in the workplace. I’m referring to your colleagues, who bear witness each time you dominate a project, shut…

Are YOU a Control Freak? And Why Does It Matter?
Uncertainty is an uncomfortable state of mind. Most of us wouldn’t mind a career GPS to help us navigate past the bumps and trenches flawlessly. In fact, we prefer the straight, empty highway to the meandering, unkempt country road. And our avoidance of the latter is a testament to our desire for Control…

“It’s My Way or the Highway”: Releasing Control
Have you noticed that you’re starring in your own movie? It’s true! Each moment of your life and career, you are directing your epic, Academy Award-winning journey. But you have a special restriction that doesn’t apply to big-screen feature…

Deeper Insight: Your Resistance Resource Links
Throughout May 2019, DRIVEN has been focused on the nature of Resistance. We provided an educational webinar for the folks who were curious about the reasons they were resistant to others…

“I’m Right, You’re Wrong”: Why We’re Resistant To Others' Ideas, Part 1
Anything new or scary in life or career tends to instill in us a fear of looking foolish or unseasoned. Sound familiar? Our natural response is resistance to the change, which is an instinctive mechanism of…