So Hard To Shake: The Challenge of Releasing Shame

So Hard To Shake: The Challenge of Releasing Shame

In light of our recent discussion about Guilt and Regret, as in looking back unproudly on something you did or didn’t do at work, or as in the remorse you may feel when spending too much time on…

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Social Media, FOMO and You: Begin Your Digital Detox Today!

Social Media, FOMO and You: Begin Your Digital Detox Today!

An unfortunate paradox regarding FOMO is that while you’re engaging in one thing, and fearing what you’re missing out on elsewhere, you’re actually missing out on the thing you’re doing. In my recent article It’s All About Perspective: Making The Jump From FOMO to JOMO, I explored how taking…

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Email & Your Mental Resilience: 4 Steps Toward Transcending The Inbox Enigma

Email & Your Mental Resilience: 4 Steps Toward Transcending The Inbox Enigma

Workplace stress, in addition to diminishing our productivity, is one of the more common destructive forces that carve away at our mental resilience. Fortunately, for those business leaders who are in the…

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The Realities of Busyness: Why “Busy” Is A Four-Letter Swear Word, Part 2

The Realities of Busyness: Why “Busy” Is A Four-Letter Swear Word, Part 2

The week before last, we explored how employees stating that they’re “busy” all the time can have unfortunate effects on their mental and physical health, and can actually add to the toxicity of the work…

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Block It Out: How A Simple Time Log Can Restore Maximum Workday Productivity, Part 2

Block It Out: How A Simple Time Log Can Restore Maximum Workday Productivity, Part 2

I hope you gained some inspiration while reading Part I of this blog series, where I came clean on the emotional detriments experienced by my former self, and then shared with you some…

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Satellite Strategies, Part 2: Progressive Ideas On The Future Of The Workplace

Satellite Strategies, Part 2: Progressive Ideas On The Future Of The Workplace

Many companies have noticed that keeping workers in the professional services workforce (particularly women) is becoming even more of a challenge as of late. Besides being expected to…

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Are You A “Morning Person”, or Just An Early Riser?

Are You A “Morning Person”, or Just An Early Riser?

There’s one thing that each of us knows for sure: whether or not we are a morning person. It’s also probably safe to say that it’s tricky to become a morning person if we’re not one already. If this…

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