Think Of Laura, Part 1: A Positive Look At Time & Energy Management In Your Career
Late last month, I reported to you on a special takeaway from our collaborative dinner event featuring an interview with author Laura Vanderkam. The Meaning Of Busy is the article I wrote…
Two Years Out: A Brief Reflection Upon Life As An Entrepreneur
This past March, I began to put the wheels into motion for WAC’s Spring Community Event. I assumed it would be a fully joyful process, likened to practicing a hobby rather than painfully…
No Sense Arguing With Myself: How I Deal With My Own Imperfections
Have you ever made a goof professionally that left you sick to your stomach? Made you want to crawl into a hole and hide? Beat yourself up over and over? I made an error like this recently…
Working Women’s Woes: Gain Career Perspective to Tame Your Busy Week
We’re women professionals, which by definition immerses us into a particularly challenging workplace setting. After answering to our bosses, managing the people who report to us, navigating…
Response, Not Reaction: Overseeing The Conversion of Fear to Trust
The Old Outlook: You can prepare, and prepare, and prepare, and then hopefully mitigate problems as they occur. The New Outlook: You can prepare, but you have the wisdom and the life experience…
Are You A “Morning Person”, or Just An Early Riser?
There’s one thing that each of us knows for sure: whether or not we are a morning person. It’s also probably safe to say that it’s tricky to become a morning person if we’re not one already. If this…
Them Ol’ Sunday Blues: Overcoming Your Dread of the Week Ahead
website picToday’s guest blogger Dr Stacey Lessans has some optimistic insight on that one night of the week that seems a bit darker than the others for many of us: Sunday. Read on to learn her…
Watch it, You Jerk!: Overcoming the Deep-Seated Anger of Road Rage
If you have met me, you’ve probably concluded that I’m an outwardly happy person. You’d say that Anger and Deborah just don’t seem to belong in the same sentence, and I would agree. That’s likely…
Lightening the Load: 6 Tips for Shrinking That Boulder to a Backpack
The original book Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend offers an analogy that is dense with insight on something we all deal with. On page 33, the authors explore the difference between Burden…
Productivity Repossessed: The Benefits of A “Hard Stop” Mentality
It’s likely that the most valuable lesson I learned during my four years at Cornell’s School of Hotel Administration relates to workplace productivity. Ask anyone who has worked for or with me, and…
Reflections on Our Moderating Training Session: The Takeaway of One Special Attendee
Our latest Moderator Training Session at McGladrey made quite the impression on the folks in attendance. Ginny Brown sure has a talent and an aspiration for delivering meaningful content to the bright, open minds seeking fresh perspectives on…
Retooling My Brain, Part Two: Turning Fear into Confidence
My second area of focus for mind reset is my fear factor. I have been living in a constant state of low frequency fear for as long as I can remember. When I analyzed this underlying deep-seeded depletion of energy and distraction, I realized I was fearful for…
Retooling My Brain, Part One: Tales of an Adrenaline Junkie
Last year, our specialist Kathleen Brady taught our community about the dynamics of energy. I’ve since been successful using the tools she offered to reframe situations in my life and shift my energy, resulting in a healthier attitude. I have…
Anger vs EQ: Which “You” is in Control?
If you were one of the participants at January 29th’s WAC community event Corporate Emotional Intelligence: Anger in the Workplace, presented by WAC specialist Ginny Brown, you might have found yourself with a peculiar question bouncing around in your…
EQ Times Seventy: Anger Sure Draws a Crowd
Anchin, Block & Anchin, LLC made their WAC event sponsoring debut last Wednesday, for a community event that I have been eagerly anticipating since the topical conversation between Ginny Brown and Deborah began a couple of months…
Choose Your Hard
A few weeks ago I was struck by a quote I saw on a fitness website that I often visit. It said, “Losing weight is hard. Staying the same weight is hard. Gaining weight is hard. Choose your hard.” I’ve been thinking about that ever since…
Angry at Work: When Emotions Interfere with Progress
The workplace can be a fascinating study in emotion, principally in relation to anger. There are those coworkers who appear void of any angry tendencies, and those who seem to be the embodiment of rage, flying off the handle on a daily basis. We’ve all witnessed the…
Holiday Cheers: The Stress-Reduced Christmas Wine Shopping Experience
The holiday shopping frenzy is fully in progress, and if you’re the host of a Christmas gathering, you’re on double duty. Factor in that you may not feel confident walking into a wine shop and choosing just the right accompaniments, and…
Tool or Torment? Making Email Work for You
Ah, email etiquette. We read articles and hear talk show segments about it all the time, but how many of us truly put such thoughtful advice into practice? This special function has revolutionized the way we communicate in business but to our…
The Office Holiday Party: Same Folks, Different Rules
Office holiday parties are right around the corner. For some, it’s just another networking event. For others, it’s the one chance per year to socialize with colleagues. While it can be said that we spend more time with these folks than with our families, being…