DRIVEN’s Best Blog Articles of 2019, Part 1

DRIVEN’s Best Blog Articles of 2019, Part 1

Each week of the year, DRIVEN’s blog page is updated with a brand-new, relevant article relating to the business perspectives and advancement strategies encompassed within our mission to…

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Deeper Insight: Your Confidence and Impostor Syndrome Resource Links

Deeper Insight: Your Confidence and Impostor Syndrome Resource Links

If January was DRIVEN’s month to tackle Perfectionism, then February has clearly been about Confidence. I hope you’ve been with us every step of the way during this exploration, and that you’ve discovered an outlook or two that have enhanced your life…

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Celebrate Every Win— And Put Your Impostor In Her Place!

Celebrate Every Win— And Put Your Impostor In Her Place!

Marinating on the things you did today to contribute to your career is a simple yet extraordinarily effective way to weaken the influence of the impostor and reverse the Impostor Syndrome. Recognizing all you do, particularly through the act of confidence journaling, is one of the key themes of my recent article…

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Stretch, Grow & Thrive: Building The Confidence to Defeat The Impostor

Stretch, Grow & Thrive: Building The Confidence to Defeat The Impostor

Unbeknownst to you, you’ve already begun your confidence-building practice, thanks to your recent discovery of the Growth Mindset. Here’s how it breaks down: Step 1: Accepting that you’re going to fail daily, perhaps multiple times, as a result of the 35,000 decisions made each-and-every day! Step…

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Far From Perfect: The Reasons Behind Your Impostor Syndrome
Confidence, Neuroscience, Personal Development, 2019 Deborah Goldstein Confidence, Neuroscience, Personal Development, 2019 Deborah Goldstein

Far From Perfect: The Reasons Behind Your Impostor Syndrome

Part of the frustration and desperation behind perfectionism is a need to keep the magic trick going. “People think I’m smart, and accomplished, and confident. When is someone going to peek behind that curtain, yank it back and expose the real me? I know I’m not all that great. It’s ‘only me’.” Another biggie is “I got lucky…

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