Mindset Shift: Why Replacing Judgment With Evaluation is Critical

Mindset Shift: Why Replacing Judgment With Evaluation is Critical

Did you happen to catch yourself judging others this past week? Have you thought to yourself or said to others, “You really should…” or “He’s just being…” or “Why can’t she just do it this way”? If your answer…

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Stretch, Grow & Thrive: Building The Confidence to Defeat The Impostor

Stretch, Grow & Thrive: Building The Confidence to Defeat The Impostor

Unbeknownst to you, you’ve already begun your confidence-building practice, thanks to your recent discovery of the Growth Mindset. Here’s how it breaks down: Step 1: Accepting that you’re going to fail daily, perhaps multiple times, as a result of the 35,000 decisions made each-and-every day! Step…

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A Well-Oiled Mind, Part 2: More On Emotional Wellbeing Through Self-Compassion

A Well-Oiled Mind, Part 2: More On Emotional Wellbeing Through Self-Compassion

Plain and simple: A functional mind equals a sharp and creative professional who’s prepared to meet the challenges of a multi-dimensional career. Such a professional is experiencing a high level of emotional wellbeing with a strategy of compassion at her core. In my recent prequel to this article, I illustrated…

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A Self-Compassion Primer: Mental Energy Maintenance Through Staying Present

A Self-Compassion Primer: Mental Energy Maintenance Through Staying Present

You may have noticed that DRIVEN has been spending some serious time on the topic of self-compassion. Why, you may ask, is self-compassion so crucial to a professional’s success? The answer resides in neurochemistry. If you're not kind to yourself, you can't show true compassion for others. When you…

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Start Your Journey: Putting Your Grit Roadmap To Use

Start Your Journey: Putting Your Grit Roadmap To Use

When I work with coaching clients, a challenge they share is having too much on their plates. In your career, this quagmire can directly impact the achievement of your goals and the greater goals of the company. This fosters uncertainty about how to…

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Is Your Grit Legit? The Importance Of Aligning Your Career Goals With Your Values

Is Your Grit Legit? The Importance Of Aligning Your Career Goals With Your Values

Some of us are born with Grit. As for the rest of us, we have to gain some Grit along our journey. But for all of us, there stands a roadblock to acquiring and maintaining Grit, and ultimately, to achieving the…

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Mental Resilience Under Fire: Tackling The Challenge of Workplace Interruption

Mental Resilience Under Fire: Tackling The Challenge of Workplace Interruption

It’s become a 21st century buzz word for the ambitious, and as such, has been taken seriously as a productivity enhancer by professionals in all lines of business. For some managers, it is expected from their…

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Email & Your Mental Resilience: 4 Steps Toward Transcending The Inbox Enigma

Email & Your Mental Resilience: 4 Steps Toward Transcending The Inbox Enigma

Workplace stress, in addition to diminishing our productivity, is one of the more common destructive forces that carve away at our mental resilience. Fortunately, for those business leaders who are in the…

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The Front Burner Effect: Finding Mental Resilience Through The Art of Scheduling

The Front Burner Effect: Finding Mental Resilience Through The Art of Scheduling

The precious commodity known as Mental Energy is responsible for keeping us optimally focused on our professional duties. But as you may have learned in my recent article Mastering Mental Resilience…

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Mastering Mental Resilience: Energy’s Final Frontier

Mastering Mental Resilience: Energy’s Final Frontier

Grit and Resilience have been our focus topic for several months now. If you’ve been riding along with me on this exploration, I hope you’ve discovered the vital importance of spiritual, emotional and physical…

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