Last week, we gave you a sampling of some of our most informative blog articles of the year (if you missed it, link to it HERE). Today, we’re back with four more significant DRIVEN posts from 2018, each offering advice, direction and food-for-thought designed to enhance your career regardless of what stage you’re in. These must-reads for any business professional include valuable outlooks on Compassion, Social Skills and Receiving Workplace Feedback, but also go a bit deeper by examining the neuroscience behind our workplace communications. Start anywhere and feed your mind with the quality offerings you’ve come to expect from our blog page. Then, if you haven’t done so already, consider inserting yourself deeper into our business community by becoming a DRIVEN client in 2019. You’ll gain access to our virtual platform and begin to reap even bigger benefits in your career and in home & family life. Happy New Year to all!

-The DRIVEN Team

Evolution or Revolution?: A Darwinian Take On Compassion

In her quest to define and sort out Compassion and ultimately delve into Self-Compassion, Deborah wrote a fascinating September 5th article which documents the evolutionary origins of compassion in humans. It’s a brief tour from Buddhism to Darwinism through a compassionate lens (with a smattering of neuroscience), lending the reader the crucial insight needed to further our understanding of compassion’s role in modern business culture. Read the post HERE.

Put‘er There: The Social Skills Behind Our Most Common of Greetings

What might seem like a fundamental greeting ritual to men is in fact a dilemma for women, particularly in the business realm. I’m referring to the simple handshake. In an informative, eye-opening article from October 16th, as part of her series on Social Skills, Deborah painted the picture for us of how when women get left out of the handshake equation, they’ll need to get creative when considering formal business greetings (which often leads to embarrassment at first). The article is worth reading for her handshake technique advice alone! Read the post HERE.

Chit-Chat Credentials: Sharpening Your Social Skills with Two Distinct Listening Styles

This autumn, Deborah began using the DRIVEN blog to explore the importance of Listening as a social skill. Her November 6th posting was a standout in this respect. In it, she demonstrates how small talk— you know, those brief workplace chit-chat sessions that we don’t always take seriously, should be valued as opportunities to find common ground with our colleagues, and to get to know them as people, not just commodities. The two case studies she details will blow your mind and inspire you to reevaluate the necessity of small talk in the greater scheme of Listening To Connect. Read the post HERE.

Self-Check Strategies: How To Make Feedback Sessions Work for YOU

Formal workplace feedback sessions are inevitable and necessary. But you can transform that outlook into one of opportunity and engagement, whereby you control the controllables and get the most out of these meetings. Deborah’s December 4th article reveals the secrets to eliminating your anxieties and reservations about receiving feedback in ways that just make sense. A hint: It’s all in the questions you ask yourself. Give it a read before your next feedback session and prepare for career liftoff! Read the post HERE.


A New Lease On Life: Discover My 2019 Word of the Year!


DRIVEN’s Best Blog Articles of 2018, Part 1