Can You Afford To Skimp On Self-Compassion?

Can You Afford To Skimp On Self-Compassion?

To Gain Perspective, The Answer Is Obvious. Clarity, as it relates to the mind, is referred to as such for a good reason. Your level of clarity can either inform your perspective or distort it. In last month’s DRIVEN…

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On The Road To Release: How To End The Blame Game

On The Road To Release: How To End The Blame Game

“Don’t be afraid to remind yourself that you are resourceful and resilient. With a little ingenuity, you will make progress towards managing the challenges of shame.” That was the central…

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So Hard To Shake: The Challenge of Releasing Shame

So Hard To Shake: The Challenge of Releasing Shame

In light of our recent discussion about Guilt and Regret, as in looking back unproudly on something you did or didn’t do at work, or as in the remorse you may feel when spending too much time on…

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Deeper Insight: Your Self-Care Resource Links

Deeper Insight: Your Self-Care Resource Links

Throughout March, DRIVEN has been focused on Self-Care, providing you with a useful OfficeHours webinar on pursuing a healthful lifestyle, and various articles exploring this personal asset that even the seemingly well put-together folks in your industry may be secretly lacking. I hope you’ve taken advantage of these…

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Reframing Perfectionism: Three Steps Toward Being “Perfectly Human” at Work

Reframing Perfectionism: Three Steps Toward Being “Perfectly Human” at Work

Perfectionism is a condition, a trap, and a self-imposed state of shame that affects many of us, often unbeknownst to us. It also happens to be a consequence of inevitably coming up short when our expectations were unrealistic in the first place. In my recent article Perfectly Human: Evading The Trap…

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DRIVEN’s Best Blog Articles of 2018, Part 2

DRIVEN’s Best Blog Articles of 2018, Part 2

Last week, we gave you a sampling of some of our most informative blog articles of the year (if you missed it, link to it HERE). Today, we’re back with four more significant DRIVEN posts from 2018, each offering advice, direction and food-for-thought designed to enhance your career regardless of what stage you’re…

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DRIVEN’s Best Blog Articles of 2018, Part 1

DRIVEN’s Best Blog Articles of 2018, Part 1

Each week of the year, DRIVEN’s blog page is updated with a brand-new, relevant article relating to the business perspectives and advancement strategies encompassed within our mission to “support the health, well-being and success potential of motivated professionals”. Composed by Deborah Goldstein, these…

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Mental Resilience Under Fire: Tackling The Challenge of Workplace Interruption

Mental Resilience Under Fire: Tackling The Challenge of Workplace Interruption

It’s become a 21st century buzz word for the ambitious, and as such, has been taken seriously as a productivity enhancer by professionals in all lines of business. For some managers, it is expected from their…

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The Front Burner Effect: Finding Mental Resilience Through The Art of Scheduling

The Front Burner Effect: Finding Mental Resilience Through The Art of Scheduling

The precious commodity known as Mental Energy is responsible for keeping us optimally focused on our professional duties. But as you may have learned in my recent article Mastering Mental Resilience…

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Mastering Mental Resilience: Energy’s Final Frontier

Mastering Mental Resilience: Energy’s Final Frontier

Grit and Resilience have been our focus topic for several months now. If you’ve been riding along with me on this exploration, I hope you’ve discovered the vital importance of spiritual, emotional and physical…

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Wake Up to The Facts: Understanding Sleep’s Correlation to Your Mental Energy

Wake Up to The Facts: Understanding Sleep’s Correlation to Your Mental Energy

When I was a little girl, as part of my bedtime ritual, my father would ask me a few questions to guide me through my day in review. By holding up fingers, I could keep track of how many good things…

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Getting Co-Creative: The Art of Becoming Mindful of Your Colleagues’ Emotions

Getting Co-Creative: The Art of Becoming Mindful of Your Colleagues’ Emotions

Have you ever noticed that when you learn a new trendy word, you start hearing the word used all the time? A similar thing just happened to me with a car color. The VW Beetle now comes in…

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