Curiosity: Your New Objective, and My 2018 Word of the Year!
Welcome 2018! With the arrival of yet another brand-new year, I’m reminded of the many ways in which I’m fortunate….in business, and in life. But nothing seems quite as poignant at this moment as setting…
Chase Two Rabbits, Catch Neither: Mental Resilience & The Myth of Multi-Tasking
It’s become a 21st century buzz word for the ambitious, and as such, has been taken seriously as a productivity enhancer by professionals in all lines of business. For some managers, it is expected from their…
Email & Your Mental Resilience: 4 Steps Toward Transcending The Inbox Enigma
Workplace stress, in addition to diminishing our productivity, is one of the more common destructive forces that carve away at our mental resilience. Fortunately, for those business leaders who are in the…
Wake Up to The Facts: Understanding Sleep’s Correlation to Your Mental Energy
When I was a little girl, as part of my bedtime ritual, my father would ask me a few questions to guide me through my day in review. By holding up fingers, I could keep track of how many good things…
Checking Your Gauge: Resilience & Your Emotional Energy Tank, Part 2
“Accurately identify your emotions as they occur, and then move on.” Sounds simple, right? Well, as we learned in Checking Your Gauge, Part 1, only a minority of us can pull off the “identify” part. And…
Checking Your Gauge: Resilience & Your Emotional Energy Tank, Part 1
Vincent Van Gogh famously said, “Let’s not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives, and we obey them without realizing it.” The first part of his statement comes across…
All About Eve: The Road To Reprogramming Your Inner Critic
The Inner Critic plays a key role in our ongoing evolution as a species. Whenever she pokes her nose into your daily business, it’s meant to protect you from embarrassment or disappointment. Haven’t you…
C Is For Confidence: Beginning To Unpack GRACE In The Workplace
Grit. Resilience. Authenticity. Confidence. Emotional Intelligence. These are the five magic words that, when applied to your career, provide the formula for your success. Acronymically, they are…
The Power of Transparency: A Real Case Study In Workplace Trust and Betrayal, Part 2
By now, you may have read the first part of my drama-laden case study featuring Lizette, David and Richard, wherein a workplace assumption lead to a betrayal that amounted to a breach of…
When We Assume: A Real Case Study In Workplace Trust and Betrayal, Part 1
Asking questions to better understand a person’s point of view is not as simple as it sounds. It requires the discipline of keeping an open mind. It’s our reflex to project thoughts and feelings onto…
The End Of Assumption: How Genuine Curiosity Can Affect Bias
Building a culture of workplace trust can start with YOU. Yes, you have the ability to leverage your newly-acknowledged Unconscious Bias to build stronger relationships on your team…
Believing Is Not Knowing: The Advantages of Active Listening
Now that you’ve examined the 3 Magical Rules of Safe Workplace Communications, and you’ve observed how the A.I.R. Feedback ModelTM can be applied to colleagues in need of feedback, let’s dig…
Keeping It Together: How Self-Regulation Can Prevent Embarrassment and Save Your Job
You are in control. The opportunity to create strong and safe relationships at the office and across departments is yours for the taking. You may ask: How could something that so few…
Getting Co-Creative: The Art of Becoming Mindful of Your Colleagues’ Emotions
Have you ever noticed that when you learn a new trendy word, you start hearing the word used all the time? A similar thing just happened to me with a car color. The VW Beetle now comes in…
3 Degrees of Separation: You Are THIS Close To Controlling Your Own Emotions!
Last week, I think I may have heard a groan as you read about self-imposed distractions. I could imagine the emotional turmoil in contemplating how you distract yourself as much as you’re…
Mindfulness Matters: The Nuts ‘N Bolts of Being In The Present
After reading my article Getting Engaged: How Being Mindful Of The Present Can Transform Your Career, have you taken note of how often you think about the past or worry about the future?
Getting Engaged: How Being Mindful of the Present Can Transform Your Career
Over the first quarter of 2017, you may have picked up on the fact that working in a trust-deficient environment creates a certain social toxicity which places the amygdala on high alert. When this…
Self-Orientation: Make It Your Common Denominator
In the quest to understand how trust is cultivated in today’s corporate environment, we’ve been dissecting and distilling down Maister’s Trust Equation. So far, we’ve made quite a few discoveries, not…
Social Intimacy: A Sure Bet For Achieving Workplace Trust
Who knew the simple word “trust” had such a complex, multifaceted connotation?! I began to suspect it after studying Maister’s Trust Equation, which has gone on to become one of my trusty templates…
The Word on Words: How What We Say Dictates Workplace Trust
An efficient and socially healthy workplace is something all managers would love to reside over. Wouldn’t you feel more at-ease knowing that everyone on your team had an understanding…