Going One Step Deeper: How Executive Presence Hinges On Self-Awareness
As you’ve likely been discovering for yourself, the dynamic virtue of Self-Awareness is tricky to acquire and sustain. According to EQ specialist Travis Bradberry, only 36% of the population is aware…
Know Thyself: Laying The Groundwork For Genuine Self-Awareness
Are you feeling brave after reading my recent article, Acquiring EQ Through Self-Awareness? Are you ready to look into the mirror to recognize, understand and manage your own emotions? You’ll be…
Chase Two Rabbits, Catch Neither: Mental Resilience & The Myth of Multi-Tasking
It’s become a 21st century buzz word for the ambitious, and as such, has been taken seriously as a productivity enhancer by professionals in all lines of business. For some managers, it is expected from their…
Mental Resilience Under Fire: Tackling The Challenge of Workplace Interruption
It’s become a 21st century buzz word for the ambitious, and as such, has been taken seriously as a productivity enhancer by professionals in all lines of business. For some managers, it is expected from their…
Email & Your Mental Resilience: 4 Steps Toward Transcending The Inbox Enigma
Workplace stress, in addition to diminishing our productivity, is one of the more common destructive forces that carve away at our mental resilience. Fortunately, for those business leaders who are in the…
Mastering Mental Resilience: Energy’s Final Frontier
Grit and Resilience have been our focus topic for several months now. If you’ve been riding along with me on this exploration, I hope you’ve discovered the vital importance of spiritual, emotional and physical…
The Food Factor, Part 3: Energy & The Educated Eater
As professionals, when our physical energy and emotional resilience become compromised or depleted, we tend to have a pretty good idea of whom or what to attribute it to. Career-derived stress and…
Catchin’ Z’s: The Overlooked Connection Between Sleep & Resilience
Maintaining good physical energy is your ticket to a life and career filled with resilience. Let your physical energy deplete, and you’ll find that not only will your work performance noticeably suffer, but…
Is Your Body A Temple?: Why You Should Embrace Good Physical Energy
In examining the leadership strengths that allow women professionals to be authentic and optimally effective, we at DRIVEN have had plenty to share on Grit and Resilience, known also as the G and R of GRACE…
Straightening That Skid: 3 Lessons In Career Crisis Recovery Using Resilience
Have you checked in on your resilience lately? Perhaps my recent article Preemptive Power: How To Cultivate A Resilience Mindset has you meditating on resilient ways to bounce back from career…
Preemptive Power: How To Cultivate A Resilience Mindset
If you’ve been meditating on the Van Gogh quote I shared in my last article Checking Your Gauge: Resilience & Your Emotional Energy Tank, Part 2, have you noticed how many minor nuisances irk you…
Checking Your Gauge: Resilience & Your Emotional Energy Tank, Part 2
“Accurately identify your emotions as they occur, and then move on.” Sounds simple, right? Well, as we learned in Checking Your Gauge, Part 1, only a minority of us can pull off the “identify” part. And…
Checking Your Gauge: Resilience & Your Emotional Energy Tank, Part 1
Vincent Van Gogh famously said, “Let’s not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives, and we obey them without realizing it.” The first part of his statement comes across…
The Secret Ingredient of Resilience: Harnessing Your Spiritual Energy, Part 2
Have you been walking a little taller lately? Perhaps feeling invincible? Then you must have taken my advice in regard to boosting your spiritual energy by drawing a connection to Resilience. This is one…
The Secret Ingredient of Resilience: Harnessing Your Spiritual Energy, Part 1
Life events, constant stress and everyday challenges can all eat away at our resilience. Think about the times you’ve declared, “I give up” or “I can’t take it anymore”. And then, remarkably, you get…
All About Eve: The Road To Reprogramming Your Inner Critic
The Inner Critic plays a key role in our ongoing evolution as a species. Whenever she pokes her nose into your daily business, it’s meant to protect you from embarrassment or disappointment. Haven’t you…
DRIVEN Turns The Corner: Gearing Up for GRACE In The Workplace℠
We spent a considerable amount of time during the last quarter exploring Trust in the workplace. This included abundant blog articles and workshops designed to outline the components of trust, to pinpoint the ways in which stress fogs our ability to…
The Power of Transparency: A Real Case Study In Workplace Trust and Betrayal, Part 2
By now, you may have read the first part of my drama-laden case study featuring Lizette, David and Richard, wherein a workplace assumption lead to a betrayal that amounted to a breach of…
Blind Spots Revealed: A Constructive Approach to Workplace Feedback
In our detailed look at emotional self-assessment, we’ve identified that measuring the feelings of others is just as important as self-regulation. As it turns out, these assessments cover a major portion…
Keeping It Together: How Self-Regulation Can Prevent Embarrassment and Save Your Job
You are in control. The opportunity to create strong and safe relationships at the office and across departments is yours for the taking. You may ask: How could something that so few…